Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:


Spring Framework Layout extensions JSP Extension Tag Library. Author: Rob Monie, Adam Boas

This is version 1.0.

  • autocomplete Renders an autocomplete input field
  • checkBoxes Renders a check box group in both edit and read only modes
  • checkboxTrueFalse Renders a checkbox which can only hold the values true and false
  • config Renders Javascript and css imports and sets up an required javascript variables, so the form can utilise SpringLayout
  • dataGrid Renders a table which can become editable
  • dataGridColumn Renders a column inside a datagrid
  • dataGridRemoveColumn Renders a column which contains controls to remove a row in a dataGrid
  • date Renders an input field with date formatting and date picker
  • display Renders a field's value for display
  • errors shows errors for the path, supports wildcard paths such as fieldPath
  • forEachError Iterates over the errors attribute exposing each as a variable defined via the var property
  • forEachMessage Iterates over the messages attribute exposing each as a variable defined via the var property
  • form Default implementation of a Form, Binds to the specified layout formBean exposing the bean to field tags
  • hasPageFunction Evaluates the user's pageFunctionPermissions and determines if a user has the specified access to the given function
  • ifEditMode Renders the body of the tag if the page is in edit mode
  • ifReadMode Renders the body of the tag if the page is in read mode
  • input Renders an input field
  • label Renders a field label
  • multiPanelForm Renders panel tabs for the specified panelFormGroup
  • options Renders an options for a select
  • pageErrors shows errors messages, with a generic message for required field errors if any present
  • radioButtons Renders a radio button group in both edit and read only modes
  • select Renders a select field (dropdown list box) with options refer to OptionsTag
  • swapCommandObject Used to swap the command object as a page is rendered based on the command object of the controller bean specified
  • textarea Renders an text area field
Required attributes are marked with a *


Renders an autocomplete input field Can contain: JSP


accesskeyHTML Standard AttributeString
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
disabledHTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
label*The key to the label for display for the target propertyString
langHTML Standard AttributeString
maxlengthHTML Standard AttributeString
modemode which this tag should operate in [read | edit | multi]String
onblurHTML Event AttributeString
onchangeHTML Event AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onfocusHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
optionsTarget*The name of the function or url to retrieve optionsString
optionsTargetType*Type of target used to get the options - possible values are "javascript" or "url" String
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
readonlyHTML Standard AttributeString
sizeHTML Standard AttributeString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString
value*The key to the value for display for the target propertydescriptionString


Renders a check box group in both edit and read only modes Can contain: JSP


accesskeyHTML Standard AttributeString
buttonGroup*The collection of radio buttons to renderjava.util.Collection
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
disabledHTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
labelThe specific label property of the JavaBean in the collection of items provided in the buttonGroup, if the items provided is a list of LabelValueBeans this would equal 'label' (default = 'label')String
langHTML Standard AttributeString
onblurHTML Event AttributeString
onchangeHTML Event AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onfocusHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
prefixa prefix HTML snippet to apply to each item in the buttonGroup collectionString
suffixa suffix HTML snippet to apply to each item in the buttonGroup collectionString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString
value*The specific value property of the JavaBean in the collection of items provided in the buttonGroup, if the items provided is a list of LabelValueBeans this would equal 'value' (default = 'value')String


Renders a checkbox which can only hold the values true and false Can contain: JSP


accesskeyHTML Standard AttributeString
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
disabledHTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
helpMessage Context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessageKey will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display this message. String
helpMessageKey Internationalizable message key for a context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessage will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display the localized message this key refers to. String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
langHTML Standard AttributeString
onblurHTML Event AttributeString
onchangeHTML Event AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onfocusHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString


Renders Javascript and css imports and sets up an required javascript variables, so the form can utilise SpringLayout Can contain: empty


showLoadingMessageIncludes additional javascript to allow for the showing of a Loading Message when page is being used, ie to show a sub modal dialogboolean


Renders a table which can become editable. Can contain: JSP


addButtonClassCSS Class to appply to the add buttonString
addButtonTitleTitle to display in the add buttonString
addButtonTitleKeyMessage Key to use to retrieve the internationalized title to display in the add buttonString
addRowCallbackA function pointer to call after the row is added. Should take the parameters (table, row)String
cancelButtonClassCSS Class to appply to the cancel buttonString
cancelButtonTitleTitle to display in the cancel buttonString
cancelButtonTitleKeyMessage Key to use to retrieve the internationalized title to display in the cancel buttonString
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
emptyMessageKeykey to use for the message that will be displayed if the grid contains no itemsString
footerCellClassHTML Optional Attribute 'class' which will be applied to the footer cellString
footerRowClassHTML Optional Attribute 'class' which will be applied to the footer rowString
gridId*The id that the HTML table will be given.String
headerClassHTML Optional Attribute 'class' which will be applied to all th'sString
maintainUniqueSelectPaths A comma separated list of id's of Select controls within the dataGrid for which uniqueness should be maintained on the client-side. -1 should be used in the place of an index. String
path*Path to a Collection, Map or Array of objects to be iterated through within the command objectString
removeRowCallbackA function pointer to call after a row is removed. Should take the parameters (table, row)String


Renders a column inside a datagrid. Can contain: JSP


cellClassCSS Class to appply to each td generated by this columnString
headerClassCSS Class to appply to the head (th) of this columnString
headerColspanNumber of columns the header should span. If 0 is specified, it does not include this setup.String
titleTitle to display in the head of this columnString
titleKeyMessage Key to use to retrieve the internationalized title to display in the head of this columnString


Renders a column which contains controls to remove a row in a dataGrid. Can contain: JSP


cancelControlClassCSS Class to appply to the cancel control of this columnString
cancelControlTitleTitle to display in the cancel control of this columnString
cancelControlTitleKeyMessage Key to use to retrieve the internationalized title to display in the cancel control of this columnString
cellClassCSS Class to appply to each td generated by this columnString
headerClassCSS Class to appply to the head (th) of this columnString
headerColspanNumber of columns the header should span. If 0 is specified, it does not include this setup.String
removeControlClassCSS Class to appply to the remove control of this columnString
removeControlTitleTitle to display in the remove control of this columnString
removeControlTitleKeyMessage Key to use to retrieve the internationalized title to display in the remove control of this columnString
titleTitle to display in the head of this columnString
titleKeyMessage Key to use to retrieve the internationalized title to display in the head of this columnString
typeSpecifies the type of control, either link or button (default is button)String


Renders an input field with date formatting and date picker Can contain: JSP


accesskeyHTML Standard AttributeString
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
defaultDateThe default date to be selected from the date picker (note: does not default control)java.util.Calendar
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
disabledHTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
helpMessage Context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessageKey will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display this message. String
helpMessageKey Internationalizable message key for a context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessage will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display the localized message this key refers to. String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
langHTML Standard AttributeString
maximumDateThe maximum date allowed, validated via Javascriptjava.util.Calendar
minimumDateThe minimum date allowed, validated via Javascriptjava.util.Calendar
modemode which this tag should operate in [read | edit | multi]String
onblurHTML Event AttributeString
onchangeHTML Event AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onfocusHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
readonlyHTML Standard AttributeString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString
validatetrue = append javascript validation to control / false = do not append javascript validationboolean


Renders a field's value for display. If saveFieldValue is set to true a hidden field is rendered to the html that can be updated using javascript and submitted with the form. If the saveFieldValue property is set to false (default), the hidden field is rendered as disabled so it's value is not persisted with a submission of the form. Can contain: JSP


cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
langHTML Standard AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
saveFieldValue renders either a disabled hidden control or an enabled hidden control to allow the value of this to be persisted with a submission of the form. String
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString


shows errors for the path, supports wildcard paths such as fieldPath.* Can contain: JSP


htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString


Iterates over the errors attribute exposing each as a variable defined via the var property Can contain: JSP


htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
var*name of the variable to store the error(s) againstString


Iterates over the messages attribute exposing each as a variable defined via the var property Can contain: JSP


htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
var*name of the variable to store the message(s) againstString


Default implementation of a Form, Binds to the specified layout formBean exposing the bean to field tags.

Can contain: JSP


actionhtml action attribute. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the value configured in Spring XML.String
enctypehtml enctype attribute, to specify the format of the data being submitted by the formString
formBeanName*the name of the spring form bean that this form is attached too, identified in LayoutForm definitionString


Evaluates the user's pageFunctionPermissions and determines if a user has the specified access to the given function. Possible values for state are 'enabled', 'disabled' and 'hidden'.

Can contain: JSP


functionName*The name of the function that the tag checksString
state*state of the function possible values are 'enabled', 'disabled' and 'hidden'.String


Renders the body of the tag if the page is in edit mode.

Can contain: JSP

This tag has no attributes.


Renders the body of the tag if the page is in read mode.

Can contain: JSP

This tag has no attributes.


Renders an input field

Can contain: JSP


accesskeyHTML Standard AttributeString
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
disabledHTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
helpMessage Context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessageKey will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display this message. String
helpMessageKey Internationalizable message key for a context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessage will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display the localized message this key refers to. String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
langHTML Standard AttributeString
maxlengthHTML Standard AttributeString
modemode which this tag should operate in [read | edit | multi]String
onblurHTML Event AttributeString
onchangeHTML Event AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onfocusHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
readonlyHTML Standard AttributeString
sizeHTML Standard AttributeString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString
typeHTML Standard Attribute, example: type='hidden'String


Renders a field label

Can contain: JSP


cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
langHTML Standard AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
suffixa prepended suffix stringString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString
valuethe value of the labelString


Renders panel tabs for the specified panelFormGroup. Exposes the current panel by name to the page context for use by enclosing forms. Forms then have access to fieldDefinitions for the current form panel.

Can contain: JSP


actionhtml action attribute. If this attribute is specified, it overrides the value configured in Spring XML.String
currentPanelBeanName*the name of the current spring form bean that this form is attached too, identified in LayoutPanelForm definitionString
enctypehtml enctype attribute, to specify the format of the data being submitted by the formString
panelFooterRendererBeanName the name of the spring bean definition to provide the footer for the multi-panel layout, identified in the LayoutPanelFormGroup definition String
panelFormGroupBeanName*the name of the spring form group bean that this form is attached too, identified in LayoutPanelFormGroup definitionString
panelTabRendererBeanName the name of the spring bean definition to provide the tabs for the multi-panel layout, identified in the LayoutPanelFormGroup definition String


Renders an options for a select

Can contain: JSP


defaultLabelAppended to the options in provided, an example could be "- select -"String
defaultLabelKeyUsed instead of a default label, the key looks up resources to get the default label example "textLabel.selectOption"String
defaultValuethe default value for the default label provided, usually will be an empty string ""String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
items*The List of itemsjava.util.List
label*The key to the label in the list of items provided, if the items provided is a list of LabelValueBeans this would equal 'label'String
value*The key to the value in the list of items provided, if the items provided is a list of LabelValueBeans this would equal 'value'String


shows errors messages, with a generic message for required field errors if any present.

Can contain: JSP




Renders a radio button group in both edit and read only modes

Can contain: JSP


accesskeyHTML Standard AttributeString
buttonGroup*The collection of radio buttons to renderjava.util.Collection
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
disabledHTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
labelThe specific label property of the JavaBean in the collection of items provided in the buttonGroup, if the items provided is a list of LabelValueBeans this would equal 'label' (default = 'label')String
langHTML Standard AttributeString
onblurHTML Event AttributeString
onchangeHTML Event AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onfocusHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
prefixa prefix HTML snippet to apply to each item in the buttonGroup collectionString
suffixa suffix HTML snippet to apply to each item in the buttonGroup collectionString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString
value*The specific value property of the JavaBean in the collection of items provided in the buttonGroup, if the items provided is a list of LabelValueBeans this would equal 'value' (default = 'value')String


Renders a select field (dropdown list box) with options refer to OptionsTag

Can contain: JSP


accesskeyHTML Standard AttributeString
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
disabledHTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
helpMessage Context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessageKey will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display this message. String
helpMessageKey Internationalizable message key for a context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessage will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display the localized message this key refers to. String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
langHTML Standard AttributeString
modemode which this tag should operate in [read | edit | multi]String
multipleHTML Standard AttributeString
onblurHTML Event AttributeString
onchangeHTML Event AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onfocusHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
sizeHTML Standard AttributeString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString


Used to swap the command object as a page is rendered based on the command object of the controller bean specified. Useful when displaying multiple pages from a multi-panel controller at once such as printing.

Can contain: empty


controllerBeanName*The specific controllerBeanName to swap tooString


Renders an text area field

Can contain: JSP


accesskeyHTML Standard AttributeString
colsHTML Standard AttributeString
cssClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional AttributeString
cssErrorClassEquivalent to "class" - HTML Optional Attribute. Used when the bound field has errors.String
cssStyleEquivalent to "style" - HTML Optional AttributeString
dirHTML Standard AttributeString
disabledHTML Optional Attribute. Setting the value of this attribute to 'true' (without the quotes) will disable the HTML element.String
emptyDisplayString String to display in read mode when the value is null, can be used to display a hyphen for example "-" String
helpMessage Context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessageKey will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display this message. String
helpMessageKey Internationalizable message key for a context sensitive help message. Setting this or the helpMessage will cause a '?' icon to appear beside the control, clicking this icon will display the localized message this key refers to. String
htmlEscapespecify true to escape html characters into the outputString
langHTML Standard AttributeString
modemode which this tag should operate in [read | edit | multi]String
onblurHTML Event AttributeString
onchangeHTML Event AttributeString
onclickHTML Event AttributeString
ondblclickHTML Event AttributeString
onfocusHTML Event AttributeString
onkeydownHTML Event AttributeString
onkeypressHTML Event AttributeString
onkeyupHTML Event AttributeString
onmousedownHTML Event AttributeString
onmousemoveHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoutHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseoverHTML Event AttributeString
onmouseupHTML Event AttributeString
path*the path to the field according to the Layout definitionString
readonlyHTML Standard AttributeString
rowsHTML Standard AttributeString
tabindexHTML Standard AttributeString
titleHTML Standard AttributeString